011 — Direktlink
28.03.2005, 19:51 Uhr
Michael C.
Zitat: | ultracano postete Hallo, I have some pics of this AK-912GT doing a load test with two manitowocs 6000 carriers (400tons), I don't now how to post it beacause a don't speak german. |
Hi Ultradano, I think the users are very interessted in waching your pics of the AK 912 GT! You can send them to Burkhard Berlin, webmaster of this forum (webmaster@hansebube.de) an so he could post them for you. If you could upload them to your own webspace you have to set the web-adress of the pic between [img] and [/img]... -- Mit besten Grüßen aus München
Sofern nicht anders angegeben, liegt das (c) aller eingefügten Bilder bei mir.
„Komm wir essen Opa“ – Satzzeichen retten Leben! |