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000 — Direktlink
03.01.2008, 03:31 Uhr

Does anyone know of any pictures of a civilian version of the U.S. M26A1 Dragon Wagon being used as a heavy hauling tractor. I have seen the pictures of it from the Diamond T book. I understood from one of the sites on the military version that after WWII several M26A1s were sold to European and Middle Eastern countries such as France, Spain, and Turkey. I am looking for information as to a color scheme that would have been used.
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001 — Direktlink
03.01.2008, 07:59 Uhr
Avatar von Stephan

That's a very interesting question. As far as I know, the M 26 never run in civilian use in Germany. In 1960s some wreckers were build by WEIDNER, looking like a Dragon Wagon, but build up on MERCEDES-Chassis. Most of the older german heavy haulers used DIAMOND T 969, few and far between the bigger 980.

In french magazin "CHARGE UTILE" I've seen some M 26 in civilian use at France, Belgium und the Netherlands, some of them in colour.

Maybe Christina Schätzle, staff here in this forum, could help you to find some pictures in these magazins.

Gruß vom Rhein
Gruß vom Rhein

"Hätten Sie aber können!!!"
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002 — Direktlink
03.01.2008, 10:06 Uhr


Have a look at the following link to a French vintage trucks forum:
There are plenty of modified Pacific Car & Foundry M26 and M26A1 which have been used in civilian heavy haulage.
I hope it helps.
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003 — Direktlink
03.01.2008, 10:48 Uhr

Avatar von Christian

welcome TD

i recommend getting this thing to read:

its a special edition issue of french magazine Charge Utile (=payload), as Stephan said above. it is covering vintage heavy haulage in France in the years 40, 50 and 60. many Pacifics are shown there.

you can get this magazine for the price of 10,95 Euros plus shipping here. shipping to US would be another 15 Euros, so you are at gross 26 euros for it


one of the nicest civil liveries that ever donned a Pacific is the bright silver of french company STSI, with black chassis and red and white letterings. they had normal and armored cabbed ones. i never made a list of civil used Pacific trucks though
Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald

Dieser Post wurde am 03.01.2008 um 10:50 Uhr von Christian editiert.
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004 — Direktlink
04.01.2008, 16:50 Uhr


A few pictures of a M26A1 used by Moraud (Bordeaux - France) as a heavy tow truck in the sixties:

Best reagrds.
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005 — Direktlink
10.01.2008, 18:16 Uhr

Thank you to all that provided the information on the civilian Pacifics.

Tom Beno
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